Mississauga Centre RASC Meeting Friday May 10

The next meeting of the Mississauga Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada ​will be this Friday, May 10 at 8:00 pm in room 1140 in the Communication, Culture and Technology Building at the University of Toronto at Mississauga.

Member's Nights are free and open to everyone. Members of the centre give short talks on all aspects of astronomy and space exploration.​

Meeting Lineup

Chris Malicki - Adventures with Astronomy Art in Rome​ - a short travellogue as Chris shares photos of fascinating art of astronomical interest in Rome 

Leslie Strike - Changes in the RASC - a quick summary of the governance changes being implemented this year

Short break

Andrew Opala - Attending the five largest Star Parties in North America

Randy Attwood - The Sky This Month - what can be observed in the sky this month - planets, comets, deep sky objects

See you there!​